3 Benefits of a Business Close-Up Checklist

3 Benefits of a Business Close-Up Checklist

Burglars don’t just make a random decision one day to target your business. They stake it out. They watch your employee’s behaviour, test your security and look for vulnerabilities before making a move. All it takes is one little mistake, like a window left open or a side door unlocked, for a burglar to gain […]

Businesses are Vulnerable in the Summer

Businesses are Vulnerable in the Summer

Most people believe that burglars only strike when it’s dark out, which is why a majority of places just focus on protecting their business at night. But in reality, your business is also vulnerable in the daytime during the summer. And without having the proper security measures in place, your company can quickly become a […]

Why We Should Prewire Your Business

Why We Should Prewire Your Business

Every business needs to carry signals and data from one location to another. But without actual wire, there’s no way to operate your electronics, internet, phone, intercom, cameras, and security systems. And although it’s a necessity, many businesses don’t bother to do any prewiring before the drywall goes up. Instead, they end up spending excessive […]

5 Common Business Practices That Deter Thievery

5 Common Business Practices That Deter Thievery

Your business is your pride and joy so, of course, you want to ensure that it’s safe and protected against any theft – both outside and inside of the office. To help safeguard your establishment, here are five common business practises that deter thievery and help reduce the overall likelihood of crime. Implementing Advanced Locking […]

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